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Sophia Zhu.heic

Sophia Zhu 朱瑞, LPC-A, MA

Areas of specialty: Depression, Anxiety, Grief and loss, Stress, Trauma, Relationship issues, Attachment issues, Spiritual issues, Marriage and family counseling

pro bono or low cost


I am a Licensed Professional Counselor Associate, under the supervision of Robin Rice, M.Ed, LPC-S, License No. 15843. I provide personal counseling as well as marriage and family counseling in both English and Mandarin. I am experienced in helping clients strengthen self-awareness, enhance self-esteem, understand and accept themselves, and improve relationships with others.
After experiencing the success and failure in my past, and the gains and losses of significant ones in my life, I followed the calling in my heart and obtained a master’s in professional counseling at Dallas Baptist University, as well as the license. The learning process of professional counseling and the deepening of my faith have given me a deeper understanding and acceptance of myself. The result of self-healing and self-growth has become the wealth of my life and an important source of support for my clients. I use a combination of client-centered therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and Gestalt therapy to help clients explore themselves and their relationships with others; moreover, I thrive to provide an environment where clients are fully accepted and heard. 

In my opinion, relationships are a very important theme in life. The way a person views and treats oneself and others will determine both the intrapersonal and interpersonal relationships, and become the foundation of mental health. I focus on healing the injuries left through traumatic experiences, biased or distorted perceptions, uncontrollable emotions or even emotions that come from nowhere, differences and conflicts between the partner, and conflicts with others. These experiences often leave different results known as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, stress, and trauma, but behind each result is a unique story of life. I am grateful for the trust and openness of each client in the counseling room, and cherish every single sharing, as well as the insights, healing, and growth brought about by the counseling process, which have become the motivation of my career.

         我是一名来自于中国大陆的心理咨询师。在经历了事业的成功和挫败,生命中重要人和物的得与失,人生的起起伏伏后,顺应心里的呼召,我于2019年开始来到达拉斯浸信会大学学习心理咨询,并于毕业后通过资质考试取得了美国心理咨询师的执业资质LPC-A。我目前在Robin Rice (M.Ed, LPC-S License No. 15843)的督导下执业。我综合运用以客户为中心的疗法、认知行为疗法和格式塔疗法来帮助来访探索自我以及与他人的关系,为来访提供被接纳和被倾听的环境,帮助来访增强自我认知,提升自尊,理解和接纳自己以及改善与他人的关系。





Fun Facts about me: My birthday is Independence Day
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite drink: Coffee
Favorite food: Spicy Food
Favorite store: Shopping Mall
Love language: Quality Time
Hobbies: Spend time with friends

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